Adders :- Obijan-48,Asad bapari Road, tongi industrial aria, Gazipur 1230.
Contact Numbers :- +8801511149704,+8801614558831,+8801819435599
[NB:- . All kinds of pharmaceuticals, uniform, sanctifies Filter Bags Whole Saler & Suppler School Collage Dress & make worker is special training & long time experience. so get new dress All and be fasanavile.]
Order Received Minimum Rate
Swing Items & Details BD Taka
1. Security pant/ Shirt 1270
2. Driver pant/ Shirt 1160
3. Manager pant/ Shirt 1160
4. Engineers pant / Shirt 1160
5. School college Uniforms 1100
6. Male worker footway Tawzar 755
7. Staff Cap 60
8. White Apron 650
9. Male Cap 60
10. Male Max 30
11. Officer & Visitor Cap 60
12. Officer & Visitor Apron 650
13. Lades Apron 650
14. Lades Max 35
15. Lade scarf 200
16. Staff tauzer @ Fatwa 755
17. Technicians Sir Cap 60
18. Technicians Sir Max 35
[NB:-All Uniform Swing Rate Without Fabrics]